scientists and dreamers

Dimitri Basov
Brief Bio
Ph.D. 1991 Lebedev Physics Inst, Academy of Sciences of Russia; postdoctoral research associate McMaster University 1992-96; assistant physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory 1996; assistant, associate professor, University of California, San Diego 1997-2001. Professor of Physics, University of California, San Diego 2001 - present; Department Chair 2010 - present.
NSF Career Award 1998, Alfred P. Sloan Fellow 1997, Cottrell Fellow 1998. The Ludwig Genzel Prize 2004. Fellow, American Physical Society 2005. Humboldt Research Award 2009.
Recent Review Articles:
- D. N. Basov, Richard D. Averitt, Dirk van der Marel, Martin Dressel, and Kristjan Haule "Electrodynamics of correlated electron materials" Reviews of Modern Physics 83, 471 (2011)
- D.N. Basov and A.V. Chubukov, "Manifesto for higher Tc", Nature-Physics 7, 272 (2011).